slow down

rest, return, remember

I have a thing for slowing down. Being still. Getting quiet.

Pausing. Resting. Restoring. Regulating our nervous system.

There are so many ways. But we can keep it simple. I’m here to help.

A few to start with…

Yoga Nidra

Rest is necessary and a basic need. The benefits of rest or numerous. One form of rest I love is Yoga Nidra. Your body knows how to heal yet it needs the right conditions. Yoga Nidra guides your body to this place, homeostasis.

The beauty of this practice, you don’t have to do a thing but lie down and listen. It restores and allows your body to be in a state of repair. Healing your whole self… physically, energetically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

In this restorative state you return home again. To your self. To your wisdom. To your connection with a higher power. To a place of remembering… you are not alone. To what matters most.

Guided Meditations

Slowing down and coming home to yourself can be helpful when you have guidance. My favorite app for guided meditations is Insight Timer. I will be sharing guided meditations on this app in 2023.

MindBody Exercises

Tools to help you slow down and come home to yourself. More coming soon.

Sign up for Rest Invitations here.
Click here for offerings and musings on rest and sleep.